1. to use profanity; curse; swear. 2. to swear at; curse:
3. to criticize or reprimand in harsh terms
Curse-before 1050; Middle English curs (noun), cursen (v.), Old English curs:
1. the expression
of a wish that misfortune, evil, doom, etc., befall a person, group, etc.
2. a formula or charm intended to cause such misfortune to another.
4. a profane oath; curse word.
2. a formula or charm intended to cause such misfortune to another.
4. a profane oath; curse word.
(adj.) < Latin profānus literally, before (outside of) the temple; replacing
Middle English prophane < Medieval Latin prophānus desecrated
1. characterized by irreverence or contempt for God or sacred principles or things; irreligious.
6. to misuse (anything that should be held in reverenceor respect); defile; debase; employ basely or unworthily.
7. to treat (anything sacred) with irreverence or contempt; violate the sanctity of:
Obscene-1585–95; < Latin obscēnus, obscaenus:
6. to misuse (anything that should be held in reverenceor respect); defile; debase; employ basely or unworthily.
7. to treat (anything sacred) with irreverence or contempt; violate the sanctity of:
Obscene-1585–95; < Latin obscēnus, obscaenus:
1. offensive
to morality or decency; indecent; depraved:
2. causing
uncontrolled sexual desire.
3. abominable;
disgusting; repulsive.
Lewd-before 900;
Middle English leud, lewed, Old English lǣwede lay, unlearned
1. inclined
to, characterized by, or inciting to lust or lechery; lascivious.
Middle English < Latin vulgāris, equivalent to vulg ( us ) the general
public + -āris -ar1
1. characterized
by ignorance of or lack of good breeding or taste: vulgar ostentation.
2. indecent;
obscene; lewd: a vulgar work; a vulgar gesture.
3. crude;
coarse; unrefined: a vulgar peasant.
4. of,
pertaining to, or constituting the ordinary people in a society: the vulgar
< Latin normālis made according to a carpenter's square, equivalent to norm
1. conforming
to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
2. serving to
establish a standard.
3. Psychology
a. approximately
average in any psychological trait, as intelligence, personality, or emotional
b. free from
any mental disorder; sane.
Middle English < Anglo-French bastard, Medieval Latin bastardus (from 11th
1. a person
born of unmarried parents; an illegitimate child.
2. Slang .
a. a vicious,
despicable, or thoroughly disliked person:
b. a person,
especially a man: The poor bastard broke his leg.
3. something
irregular, inferior, spurious, or unusual.
Think about the definitions and the words you might assign to each category/definition. What is your purpose of each word choice and use? What effect does your choice have on yourself, those hearing it? Do the words have an age limitation, children and young people should not say these?
A blogger mentioned that his mother told her children, they could not use unacceptable words until they understood the English language enough to know what they were saying. I'm cool with that. People can easily misuse a word and often someone will, with good intentions, correct them.
But what about the words we consider "socially acceptable" but are considered coarse or vulgar? The words you would not want your children saying, especially in front of a Minister, Christian, Lady. Adults use a vareity of language at work, bars, adult parties.
Hell Yes/No
Screw you
God Damn
God Damn
You are Fat, Gross, Stupid
Ass hole
I remember being questioned about the reason I was using certain words. Normal words like:
Fat slob
Gross pig
She/He is a Pig
Four eyes (I asked what this meant. Logical no one has 4 eyes.)
and we know they are insults. And insulting someone is neither nice nor polite, lady or gentlemen like.
What about the Other words we create or substitute? Euphemisms
euphemism: 1650s, from Gk. euphemismos "use of a favorable word in place of an inauspicious one," from euphemizein "speak with fair words," from eu- "good" + pheme "speaking," from phanai "speak" (see fame). In Eng., a rhetorical term at first; broader sense of "choosing a less distasteful word or phrase than the one meant" is first attested 1793.
1. an inoffensive word or phrase
substituted for one considered offensive or hurtful,
esp one concerned with religion, sex, death, or excreta. Examples of euphemisms are sleep with for have sexual
intercourse with; departed, passed away for dead; relieve oneself for urinate; fricking for fucking
Christians have developed unique euphemisms, subtle body language and nuances for:
- faiths other than their's
- people not abiding by specific rules
- they are not of THE FAITH
- they are not Christian, they are B...C...M...P...etc...
- they are not REAL Christians (like us) because they:
- perform any type of activity or entertainment on Sunday
- don't dress, talk, walk or act like us
Well, I think I have covered most of the population, including ME.
Recently, while studying, I came across a phrase unknown to me. Word of Faith WoF preachers. It was the context that confused me, so I started searching "their" meaning.
At the heart of the Word of Faith movement is the belief in the "force of
faith." It is believed words can be used to manipulate the faith-force, and thus
actually create what they believe Scripture promises (health and wealth). Laws
supposedly governing the faith-force are said to operate independently of God's
sovereign will and that God Himself is subject to these laws. This is nothing
short of idolatry, turning our faith—and by extension ourselves—into god.
I suggest you do your own research and determine your conclusions. I formed mine.
Several years ago, I co-taught a program about drugs and the consequences of abusing them. Preparing for each class took me through a variety of source materials including dictionaries (all my English Teachers rejoice). A theme began to catch my attention that most of the words we use:
- are Latin in origin
- are assembled from other words
- are hundreds to thousands of years old
- were developed from actions of people for them to explain and pass on the activities to others
- were developed and used to direct, instruct and form bonds among various populations while maintaining and furthering the history of said people.
- were refined as the World's population refined
- were and are, in my verbiage, labeled as Good/Godly, Bad/Evil, Neutral per origin and use
Judge or Officer: You are FREE to go.
State: You WON the lottery.
Husband to Wife-Wife to Husband: I DO
Person to Person: I LOVE YOU
I believe you agree words do have meaning and within context Great Meaning.
Doctor to Patient: You are WELL
Jesus to Us/Me: You are CLEAN-WELL-SAVED-WHOLE
Being Asperger, I have always taking things literally (to my bosses', pastor's, wife's dismay). Many folks have been confused and or shocked when asked, "Why?" Example:
- Standing in the middle of a store and my co-worker utters - Shit.
- Me, What!? Here? Why!?
- Brief explanation clears everything.
- Working on an electric motor and co-worker slips wrench - GOD DAMMIT!!
- Me. Why would God want to condemn the wrench forever?
- Co-worker. What?!
- Again, Explanation - All is clear.
BTW: God is not the NAME of God. It is a title. Best not to play with it, but misuse is not "using the name of the LORD or GOD in vain".
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